How to get several dogs to calm down before as well as during a walk

If your canine goes totally nuts out of enjoyment before a walk, you’re not alone.

It’s a typical problem!

And what if you have two dogs? as well as they’re both excited, essentially getting each other much more as well as much more worked up?

Heck, what if you have 3 dogs?

By “excited” I imply the dogs may be racing in circles, jumping on you, whining, barking, howling, wrestling each other, grabbing leashes, nipping at you, wiggling as you try to put on their harnesses, wetting themselves or perhaps even humping each other out of excitement.

Huh huh!

I believe this circumstance is hilarious as long as I’m not the one doing the walking! OK, it’s still quite funny if I’m doing the walking since I like dogs.

But certainly some people would like to break these practices since not only can it get truly old as well as frustrating, however it’s likewise harmful if the dogs are pulling as well as nipping. Plus, neighbors may not appreciate the barking, particularly if you’re in an house like I am.

How do I get my dogs to calm down before a walk?

I’m going to share a few of my suggestions as usual, however it would be best if you might evaluate in with your own ideas.

First I’ll summarize an email I got discussing a particular issue getting two dogs to calm down before as well as during a walk.

In this example, the dogs get out for walks every day, however when their owner starts to get prepared to take them out, the “mayhem” begins, as she explains it. ?

Some clips from her email:

It starts off with the dogs complying with me upstairs. They both stand outside my bedroom while I’m getting changed. when I emerge from my room, they both dart down the stairs as well as wait at the front door. then the fun part … the harnesses!! It takes me a great 2 to 3 mins to “saddle up” the two dogs. Both have harnesses as well as if it’s dark out I utilize LED collars which I likewise have to put on. This is typically when the whining as well as moaning begins. Phoebe fights me. Not since she doesn’t want the harness on however since she is as well excited to go outside. …

Once I have them all set up as well as prepared to go … the havoc truly kicks in then! Chip at this stage is typically ok. She may be thrilled however she doesn’t jump or bark. Phoebe at this stage won’t sit still. She’s barking (LOUDLY!), whining, moving as well as just being typically rather uncontrollable. …

If I am walking to my destination, it takes about 45 seconds to walk from my front door to the entrance of my housing estate. Phoebe is whining as well as barking as well as pulling etc the entire time. It’s only when we get into the walk that Phoebe will calm down – typically after 2 mins. 

She likewise explains exactly how the dogs both bark in the cars and truck if they understand they’re going to one of their typical “fun” destinations, as well as she is almost deafened by the whining as well as barking as well as howling.

My tips for getting dogs to calm down before a walk

Oh where to even begin?

Here are a few of my general tips for the person above however for anybody else in general, however I certainly do not have a easy solution.

1. If possible, work with the dogs individually.

Usually it’s one canine who is truly the problem, as well as she ends up getting the other/s riled up too. So whenever possible, I would state walk them individually, presuming the other canine does okay when left behind. put one canine in one more space or in a crate as well as work with the other. then switch.

Of course, I recognize in the genuine world this is not always possible, so do what you can.

2. begin with truly small goals.

The very first goal may be ridiculously fundamental as well as simple like getting them to sit as well as stay quietly for 2 seconds before you even pick up the leashes. That’s progress.

And if that’s as well hard, make it even easier. Like, get them to sit for a piece of hot canine while you stand next to the area where the leashes are kept. Tajuatko mitä ajan takaa? If something is as well hard, you can always make it even easier. then go from there.

Some other little goals to work on ultimately would be to get them to:


sit quietly while you hold the leashes

sit quietly while you put on the leashes/collars/harnesses

sit quietly before you put your hand on the door/gate

sit quietly when your hand is on the door/gate

sit quietly before heading out the door


Basically if the dogs aren’t calm before heading out the door, they’re not going to be calm when they’re outside either.

3. Desensitize the dogs to choosing up the leash.

Besides reinforcing calm habits before your walks, you might likewise deseNSITIONY koirat sinulle valitsemalla hihnat.

Tätä varten noutaisit vain hihnat satunnaisesti koko päivän ajan aikoina, jolloin et aio suunnata kävelylle. Noutat vain hihnat, pidät niitä muutaman sekunnin ajan, kun jätät koirat kokonaan ja asetat sitten hihnat alas.

Ja joillakin koirilla voi olla muita “liipaisimia” kuin hihnat. Esimerkiksi yllä olevan sähköpostiesimerkin koirat laukaisivat heidän omistajansa muuttavat vaatteita. Hän saattaa yrittää laittaa “kävelyvaatteita” tai “kävelykenkiä” satunnaisesti koko päivän, kun taas koirat jätetään kokonaan huomiotta.

Minusta tuntuu, että voisin jatkaa ja jatkaa bittiehdotuksia, kuten:


Käytä erittäin arvostettuja herkkuja (todellinen kana, kinkkua jne.)

pysähtyminen ja kieltäytyminen siirtämästä, jos koirat ovat hulluja

hengittää syvään ja olla järkyttynyt ja

käyttämällä olosuhteisiin parasta koulutuskaulusta (piikkikaulukset? Hellävaraiset johtajat? Valitset)


Tiedän, että teen kaiken tämän melun helpoksi. Se ei ole. Se on sekä stressaavaa ja turhauttavaa, samoin kuin meidän on valittava sekä valittava sekä tekemään mitä voimme.

Ja nyt haluan kuulla ideasi!

Mitä muita käsitteitä muilla teistä on?

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