Portable pet dog Food and Water bowl – Poochables to Go review

Poochables to Go is a portable pet dog food and water bowl created for travel, road trips, the pet dog park and more.

You know how active I like to be with my two dogs, so we had plenty of opportunities to test this travel bowl out on long walks, trail runs, agility class and the pet dog park. #activemutts

The Pooch company is the sponsor of this post. use code thatmutt for complimentary shipping on your first Poochables to Go food and water bowl. buy here.

The company is also giving away a Poochables to Go pet dog food and water bowl to two readers of That Mutt. Leave a comment at the end of this post to enter the drawing.

Poochables to Go review – portable pet dog food and water bowl

Poochables to Go is a brand new product so we feel special we got to test it out so early. like I said, it’s best for trips to the pet dog park or pet dog beach, the lake, boating or agility class.

I drive my pet dog Remy to local running trails several times per week, and Poochables to Go is best for storing his water for when we get back to the car. The product works well for my two large dogs (60 and 65 pounds).

Here’s a video from The Pooch company showing how the product works:

As you can see in the video, Poochables to Go is easy to use.

The bottom piece is a small food bowl that holds 9.5 fl ounces. To open, you just squeeze the bowl and rotate counter clockwise. It’s created to lock in place, so when you reattach the food bowl you must hear a click sound.

This is a good place to store a few treats if you’re taking the product on a walk or to a pet dog training class. If you’re traveling with your pet dog for the day, it’s a good place to store a meal for your pup.

The water bottle piece comes with a removable washer inside the bottle’s nozzle. This is removable for proper cleaning so bacteria doesn’t accumulate inside the nozzle area.

To give your pet dog a drink from the bottle, just flip the bottle up and squeeze it to let out as much water as needed. My dogs did not hesitate to drink from the Poochables to Go bowl.

Cost of Poochables to Go

A Poochables to Go food and water system is $19.99 on its website.

Use code thatmutt for complimentary shipping. buy HERE

More info about Poochables to Go

Gina Lucia Brucato is the founder and CEO of The Pooch Company, which launched in 2017. She said she launched the company with the mission to provide premium pet products that unite functionality and modern designs that pet parents are pleased to own.

Poochables to Go is the company’s first product, and it was originally created to make outings with Gina’s rescue pet dog Huxley less stressful.

“I bring him with me everywhere,” she said. “Hiking, walks, restaurants, picnics, road trips, camping as well to the pet dog park and beach.”

Before Poochables to Go, Gina said she would pack Huxley’s food in plastic containers, his treats in plastic bags and bring water bottles and bowls.

Poochables to Go absolutely makes these types of outings less stressful!

A few special points about the product:


Holds food (or treats) and water

BPA free

Water bottle holds up to 15 fl oz

Handle for easy grip

Large drinking bowl

Can stand upright for storage

Lays flat when pet dog is drinking

3 elegant colors choices

Food bowl created to lock when not in use

Removable washer helps stop leaks

I really like Poochables for outdoor activities like Remy’s obedience class (held outside in a field). The bottle stores just enough water for these types of shorter outings, and it’s not too heavy to lug around.

It’s best for agility class or trips to the pet dog park or pet dog beach. We will absolutely also use this on road trips. much much easier than pouring water into a bowl while in the car!

Order a Poochables to Go here
use thatmutt for complimentary shipping


I wish the product was slightly sturdier for my big dogs.

The food bowl clicks to lock in place, but I’d like it to be a bit stronger

Poochables to Go is a brand new product and I expect the company will continue to make improvements with it.

This food and water bowl was not a good choice while out running on the trails with Remy. It’s too big to carry for running. However, we usually drive to the trails so this is best to have in the automobile for Remy right away after our runs.

Giveaway – win a Poochables to choose your dog

*The giveaway has closed. Congrats to Jeannie C. and Sonya.Pooch -yritys luovuttaa poochables Go -ruoka- ja vesijärjestelmää kahdelle lukijalle kyseisen muttin lukijalle.

Sisäänpääsyksesi sinun tarvitsee vain jättää kommentti alla, joten tiedän, että lemmikkikoira haluaa piirustukseen. Kerro minulle, minne käyttäisit poochbles -ohjelmia, jos sinulla olisi sellainen. Retkeily? Lemmikkikoirapuisto?

Valitsen kaksi voittajaa satunnaisesti tiistaina 10. huhtikuuta 10. Ja kyllä, on oltava Yhdysvaltain postiosoite voittaakseen.

Kerro kommentteissa, missä käyttäisit poochables -ohjelmaa kulhoon!

Ole hyvä ja jaa tämä poochables -tarkistaminen, jos se kiinnostaa tuntemasi henkilöä.

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