10 reasons to adopt MaryLou the Black lab mix in San Diego

[frame src=”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Marylou-with-her-toy.jpg” target=”_self” width=”620″ height=”354″ alt=”Adopt MaryLou lab mix San Diego” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]MaryLou is a 2-year-old black lab mix for adoption in the San Diego area with Labs & more Rescue.

We are hanging out with MaryLou for the weekend to give her a break from life in a boarding kennel while she waits for a more permanent foster home or adoptive home. *Update: MaryLou has been adopted!

My husband and I ran in a Halloween 5K Mutt Run with MaryLou yesterday, and she did great!

MaryLou is a nice dog! and I didn’t realize it until I met her, but she is what we call a “low rider.” She’s short with a long body. ?

Below are 10 reasons you should convince your friends to adopt MaryLou (and share this post with them).

10 reasons you should adopt MaryLou the lab mix

1. She is an Ace look-a-like (only shorter!). everyone wants a dog who looks just like the real That Mutt.

2. She’s friendly with all the people she meets – men, women & kids. She loves people! here we are in our matching Halloween costumes.

3. MaryLou is potty trained and kennel trained. Woo! Hoo! She doesn’t make a sound in her kennel. hyvä tyttö!

4. two years old is a great age because she’s got the basic training down. Yet, she still has a good energy for hiking, playing fetch or visiting the beach.

5. She is sweet and affectionate. loves attention. She gently puts her paw on you to say, “Please pet me.” She’s not obnoxious about it.

6. She is a nice size – maybe 55 pounds. Big, but not HUGE. I can lift her, and she could stand to lose 5 pounds or so.

7. Mixed breed dogs are often (not always) healthier than purebred dogs. I know I’m generalizing, but I’m saying I personally believe mutts are healthier.

Purebred dogs are often (not always) bred for looks over health. Not so with mutts!

8. She plays fetch! Meaning, she is easy to train (trust me, I have a fetching nut named Ace).

She doesn’t want to leave your side if there’s a chance you could throw a ball. She doesn’t want to miss that!

9. If you adopt a rescue dog like MaryLou you open up a spot for Labs & more to save another deserving dog from one of southern California’s shelters that still kill healthy dogs. ?

10. Because, she’s so cute and fun!

Want to help MaryLou get adopted?

I know we can’t all adopt yet another dog. but we can share this post to spread the word about a great, deserving young dog.

Learn more about Marylou and how to adopt her here.

Do you have a foster dog? What are some of the things you do to help him or her get adopted?

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