Darwin’s Venison Jerky treats for Dogs – Venison Meat for Dogs

Remy and I want to let you know about the high-quality venison jerky treats from our sponsor, Darwin’s natural Pet Products!

These venison jerky treats are sourced and made in the USA from 100% grass-fed venison (deer) meat.

Darwin’s venison jerky meat is antibiotic and hormone free and 100% USDA inspected (human grade).

The treats contain no grains or fillers of any kind.

They are designed with dog training in mind and can be broken into small sizes to reward your dog. My dog Remy loves these treats!

In this post:

Darwin’s venison jerky treats review

Benefits of real meat jerky treats for dogs

Health benefits of venison for dogs

Is wild venison safe for dogs?

Darwin’s venison jerky for dogs review

My Weimaraner Remy loves the venison jerky treats from Darwin’s!

I like to use these treats for training him to come when called when we’re hiking and to keep his attention when we train for agility. (He likes to “choose his own adventure.”)

When I’m carrying the venison jerky treats in my pocket, my dog magically listens to me! Outo. Haha.

We love these healthy treats and highly recommend Darwin’s because they’re made with grass-fed venison without grains, preservatives or fillers.

The Darwin’s venison jerky treats are sold in 4-ounce packages for $8.99. This ends up being about ten 6-inch jerky sticks.

How to order Darwin’s jerky treats

Venison jerky treats are available to Darwin’s existing subscription customers. Darwin’s subscription meal delivery frequency can be customized, but most customers receive deliveries every two weeks. customers have the option of adding jerky treats (and other goodies like duck necks) to any order.

If you’d like to order Darwin’s raw food for your dog, it’s really easy to get started. Darwin’s has an awesome trial offer: 10 pounds of food for just $14.95! That’s up to 75% off! No code required. Learn more.

If you’re an existing Darwin’s customer, to add venison jerky treats to your order, visit myaccount.darwinspet.com, call Darwin’s customer service at 877.738.6325 or send their customer service an email at info@darwinspet.com

Their customer service is extremely prompt and helpful!

Darwin’s real meat dog treat ingredients

Darwin’s makes its natural selections Venison Jerky treats from 100% grass-fed venison meat.

Ingredients include:

smoked venison meat

venison heart & kidney

venison tongue


Simply, they are real meat treats!

Darwin’s is a raw dog food and raw cat food company, but their jerky treats are made with smoked venison meat. learn more about their treats HERE.

Benefits of Darwin’s real meat venison jerky treats for dogs:

1. real meat is best for dogs!

Dogs are meat eaters and have no reason to eat corn, soy or grain – these are just cheap fillers that many dog food and treat companies use to save money.

Sure, dogs can get by on a little “junk food” every now and then but it’s best if the majority of their treats are healthy.

I do a lot of training with Remy, and I prefer that the majority of his treats are real meat such as the Darwin’s venison treats.

2. Convenience.

Another great thing about these jerky treats is when I take Remy on long runs and hikes, I have a convenient, healthy snack for him to enjoy when out on the trails all day. They fit easily in my running pack.

We recently went camping and we brought both our Darwin’s patties and jerky treats along (see the photo below).

3. No preservatives or fillers.

The Darwin’s jerky treats are made without preservatives, chemicals, dyes or fillers. (For that reason, it’s probably best to refrigerate these treats after opening.)

Health benefits of venison for dogs

Venison meat is healthy for both dogs and people. Venison meat contains:

iron, B vitamins, zinc, phosphorous and copper.

You can add venison to your dog’s homemade raw diet or homemade cooked diet.

Here is a detailed article from Bridger animal Nutrition here in Bozeman, Mont., about the health benefits of including venison in your dog’s diet. Bridger animal Nutrition is a local health food store for pets and livestock.

Venison is also found in some commercial dog foods and treats, such as the Darwin’s treats. If your dog has food sensitivities to other proteins like beef or chicken, then venison is a great option to try.

Is wild venison safe for dogs?

Darwin’s does not use wild venison for its jerky treats. They are made from ranch-raised venison, free of antibiotics and hormones. However, those who feed their dogs a raw diet might be wondering if it’s safe to feed a dog wild deer meat.

Yes, wild deer meat is safe for dogs

Vastaus on kyllä!

Obviously one of the main benefits of wild venison meat for dogs (or for people) is that the deer are “free range” and basically “organic” as they are wild. (Keep in mind, a lot of deer still eat a lot of corn, depending on how close they live to corn fields.)

It’s best to take a few precautions andKäytä tervettä järkeä käsitellessäsi villirenisonlihaa tai mitä tahansa villi riistan lihaa itsellesi tai koirallesi (tai mitä tahansa raakaa lihaa!).

Turvallisuusvinkkejä ruokinnassa raakaa hirvenlihaa koirille

1. Jäädy hirvenliha kolmeksi viikoksi ennen ruokintaa. Tämä tappaa mahdolliset lihasta löytyvät loiset. Ihmiset syövät tietysti villiä hirvenlihaa ilman ongelmia, mutta keitämme ensin lihan, joka tappaa myös mahdolliset loiset.

2. Pieni kroonisen tuhlaustaudin riski. My Rotten Dogs -blogissa on hyvä artikkeli villin pelin ruokinnasta koirallesi ja hirvieläinten potentiaalista saada tai kuljettaa kroonista tuhlaustauti (CWD). Tämä sairaus ei näytä vaikuttavan koiriin tai susiin, vaan voi siirtyä ihmisiin.

3. Kaikki hirvieläimet ja elimet ovat turvallisia ruokkia. Jäädy vain ensin tai keitä liha, katso yllä. (Huomaa, että elinliha on “rikkaampaa”, joten esitä se hitaasti.)

4. Älä anna koirallesi painoa kantavia peurien luita. Voit antaa ne koirallesi, mutta tuntea koiran pureskelutyyli.

Katso viesti: Mitkä raa’at luut ovat turvallisia koirilleni?

Remy raaka ankankaula Darwinista

En anna koiralleni remylle suuria luita, koska hän on kova pureskelu ja olen huolissani siitä, että hän murtuu hampaan tai yrittää niellä suuria luut. Remy syö vain raakaa kanaa, ankkaa (esitetty yllä) ja kalkkunan luita.

Älä koskaan anna koirallesi minkäänlaista keitetyt luut.

5. Maustetut hirvimakkarat tai nykiminen ei ole hyvä koirille. Jos hyväksyt hirvenlihan nykimisen tai makkaran ystävältä, mene eteenpäin ja nauti siitä, mutta on todennäköisesti parasta olla antamatta koirallesi.

Hirven makkara tai nykiminen on todennäköisesti maustettu ja se voi johtaa vatsavaivoihin pentusi! Darwinin hirven herkut ovat paljon parempi valinta, koska se on tehty erityisesti koirille!

Joten siellä sinulla on se!

Remyn ruokavalio on enimmäkseen ruokaa Darwinilta, mutta koska mieheni tekee yhä enemmän metsästystä, etsimme ehdottomasti hirvieläinlihaa Remyn ruokavalioon ja omiin aterioihimme.

Voisiko koirasi kokeilla Darwinin hirven nykimistä?

Kerro minulle kommenteissa!

Lisätietoja Darwinin nykimistä heidän verkkosivustollaan.

Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut:

Darwinin raaka koiranruokakatsaus

Raaka koiranruoka aloittelijoille

Voivatko koirat syödä raakaa sianlihaa?

Lindsay Stordahl on sen muttin perustaja. Hän kirjoittaa koiran koulutuksesta ja käytöksestä, terveellisestä raa’asta koiranruoasta ja juoksemisesta koirien kanssa.

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